Hardening UNIX Applications (draft notes)
Secure installation of UNIX Server Applications
By Seán Boran
This article discusses securely installing well known applications like
FTP, DNS and Email. For each category, a list or tips and products are provided.
General guidelines for all applications are also presented.
- Preparation
- General Guidelines
- FTP servers (ftpd)
- DNS servers
- HTTP servers
- Email Clients
- Email servers (SMTP): sendmail, postfix,
- Additional Notes: IDS | saveit | ntp
Changes to this article
- Keep things simple: it is expected that only one or two services will run on a host. Use
several machines, rather than one superserver that does everything. It's easier to isolate
applications, harden, troubleshoot and upgrade hw/sw. Be minimalist, only run what is
absolutely necessary.
- Hardware: Consider installation via the serial port console, get rid of the keyboard,
screen and framebuffer. i.e. avoid using X11 and get to know the command line. Have an
isolated, trusted network available for testing.
- It's important to understand how the applications work (how they use ports, devices,
files), to judge what hardening is possible and to assess the risk posed.
- As a prerequisite to this article we assume the following has already been done. See also XXX.
- OS installed, and hardened.
- Relevant patches installed.
- Routing, DNS, logging, filesystem mount options, integrity checking is configured
- We assume that all this has been already done for the rest of this article.
If you use the C-Shell, the following will make editing easier and enable history
setenv TERM vt100; setenv VISUAL vi; setenv EDITOR vi;
set filec; set history=40; alias h history; alias ls 'ls -aF \!*';
The following is a general checklist to consider daemons/applications :
- Is the umask set restrictively (e.g. 022) by or before the application starts?
- Does it run as a non root user with minimum privileges? Is it's password
"blocked" and shell set to a dummy value such as /dev/null ? If the password is
really needed, is it set to min 8 chars with numbers, letters and punctuation?
- If it runs as root, to bind to a low port, does it immediately fork to a non
privileged user to minimise risks?
- Are file permissions set so that only the application user can read/write files are
there are no world read/writeable files?
- Does the application write log and temporary file permissions securely? Does it write
passwords in the install log (don't laugh - it's common!).
- Does it chroot to a special directory? A good article on general chroot
environments, also called "padded cells" can be read at Sunworld [2].
- Consider installing applications on a separate partition, to separate the OS from major
- Also consider separating data from programs, so that the programs filesystem can be
mounted read-only after the installation is completed, providing a protecting against
attackers and Trojans. Note that an attacker with root access can easily remount a
filesystem read-write, without rebooting.
Which FTP server should you use?
- The system probably comes with an FTP daemon. Most UNIX systems have a simple one that
is not very flashy, but the reduce complexity means better security.
- One of the feature rich ones is wu-ftpd from Western University. It also happens to be
almost as notorious as sendmail for security bugs. Be wary.
- Proftpd (www.proftpd.net)? It's got virtual ftp users, anonymous, support for PAM on
Solaris, etc. Plus the config looks just like an Apache httpd.conf file so it's a cinch.
- If you're going to use a third party ftpd, choose one that is secure, like ncftpd. (see
- If the ftp server will only serve/allow downloading, consider:
Tips for FTPD configuration:
- If you use Washington University wu-ftpd (for it's better logging, access
control and other features), be wary. It has a long history of bugs (e.g. see CERT
advisories CA-93:06, CA-94:07, CA-95:16 and Auscert AA-97.03 and AA-1999.02). Use the very
latest version.
- Configure /etc/ftpusers to list system accounts, so they cannot not be used for
ftp e.g. to disable use of ftp by root, add "root" to /etc/ftpusers.
One way of doing this for all system accounts on your fresh new system is:
awk -F: '{print $1}' /etc/passwd > /etc/ftpusers
Note: This is partially done on newer Linux and Solaris 8, Hardening tools such as Yassp,
Jass and Bastille also do this.
- FTP can be selectively enabled per user via /etc/ftpusers as above or by using the
following trick with /etc/shells: For users who shouldn't have ftp access to this machine,
give their accounts a non-standard shell (such as bash or tcsh) and don't enter this new
shell into /etc/shells. FTP access will be denied. Conversely, if a non-standard shell is
required, it must appear in /etc/shells for FTP to work correctly.
- On Solaris and the OBSD ftp on (Suse) Linux, enable logging by adding the "-l"
option in /etc/inetd.conf (the additional -d option adds debug output).
- FTP can be restricted on an IP address or hostname basis with the tcp wrappers.
- For anonymous ftp, be VERY careful. A chroot environment is a MUST. See Sun's in.ftpd
man page which includes a script. Avoid allowing uploads. If uploads are necessary, don't
allow downloads of uploaded files, hide uploaded file names and don't allow them to be
overwritten (otherwise you may end up as an illegal software repository).
- For normal "user ftp", chroot is also recommended.
- Put the ftp data area on a separate file system and mount it nosuid.
- On Suse Linux 7.1
- anonymous ftp is enabled by default. To disable, add ftp and anonymous to /etc/ftpusers.
- If anonymous ftp is desired, enable logging by add "-S" to the command line
and creating /var/log/ftpd
- Also add "'-l" to the in.ftpd startup line in /etc/inetd.conf
Hardening on BIND is described in a separate paper. See [13].
General notes:
- If content doesn't change often, store it on CD-ROM, it simplifies change control and
provides greater resilience to the hackers favourite of "site defacing". The
HTTPD server will cache pages, ensuring that access speed does not depend on CD-ROM speed.
- Separate "simple read-only" content servers from E-commerce servers.
- If the httpd server is only needed for an applications local to the server, bind Apache
to localhost, so that it is not accessible from the network (Bastille can also do it as
part of RedHat hardening).
- Check out the CIAC Bulletin J-042 which describes best
practices for Internet web servers.
- Solaris 8 setup: Apache 1.3.9 is included in Solaris 8 and can be optionally installed.
- Installed in /usr/apache with configuration in /etc/apache. The daemon will start if
/etc/apache/httpd.conf exists. The default configuration runs as the user nobody.
Server root is /var/apache, containing htdocs, logs and cgi-bin.
- SSL, mod_perl etc. are not installed.
- On Red Hat Apache is setup as follows (Apache 1.3.9 on RH6.1):
- Configuration files are in /etc/httpd/conf. Unusual for current Apache installations,
access.conf is used for access control and httpd.conf for the rest. HTML root is
/home/httpd/html (/var/www/html on RH7), Logs in /var/log/httpd, startup file
- Runs as the nobody user.
- Server stats and server-info links are switched off.
- Suse 7.3: Edit /etc/rc.config.d/apache.rc.config, then run /sbin/SuSEconfig
- It is suggest that apache be changed to run as apache and not nobody,
which is also use for remote NFS access by root.
- Setup for a simple Apache server
- Create "apache" user & group with blocked password, or just use the nobody
echo "apache:x:5000:99:httpd daemon:/usr/local/apache:/usr/sbin/noshell"
>> /etc/passwd
echo "apache:*LK*:10787:0:0::::" >> /etc/shadow
echo "apache::99:apache" >> /etc/group
- Download and install as root in /usr/local/apache, or better compile yourself and add
SSL support.
- File permissions - by default everything will belong to bin, which is fine. Remove
world access, give minimum rights to apache group:
chgrp -R apache /usr/local/apache; chmod -R o-rwx /usr/local/apache;
- Disable the manual pages visible on the default home page, and all default CGI scripts
delivered with apache:
chmod 000 /usr/local/apache/htdocs/manual /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/*
chmod 000 /var/www/html/manual /var/www/cgi-bin/* /var/www/nut-cgi-bin/*
- Tweaking httpd.conf :
- Set ServerName and User & Group=apache (or default to nobody)
- set ServerAdmin to the webmaster email
- Disable UserDir (unless User's really are allowed host pages from their $HOME)
- ServerSignature to Off (not Email or On) to avoid informing users of
the Apache version.
- Publish minimal version information ('Apache' as opposed to for example 'Apache/1.3.0
(Unix) PHP/3.0 MyMod/1.2'):
ServerTokens Prod [1.3.12 and later: delivers 'Apache' only]
ServerTokens Min [1.3.0 or later: delivers Apache + version]
- Disable the /manual/ alias, unless you really want to publish the Apache
- Disable any other aliases you don't need, such as /sdb/, /doc/, /hilfe/, /cgi-bin-sdb/.
This aliases may provide access to documents outside your document tree without you
realising it.
- Production environments will probably not want server-info, server-status
or perl-status enabled (they are disabled by default).
- Disable the SSI "exec" command, and if possible, all Server Side Includes
- Make sure that access to the root file system is disabled:
<Directory />
Options None
AllowOverride None
- Don't allow viewing of .htaccess files:
<Files .htaccess>
order allow,deny
deny from all
- Check that the log directives ErrorLog and CustomLog point to a
filesystems with enough space.
- Ensure logs are pruned regularly, e.g. once per week:
## Prune logs once per week:
TransferLog "|../bin/rotatelogs /var/apache_logs 604800"
- Proxying
- Switch off proxying (unless you really want it)
ProxyRequests Off
- Note that even if the reverse proxy features (like 'ProxyPassReverse') are needed, the
ProxyRequests can be switched off. If you unwittingly leave the proxy open if will be
quickly misused for attacks hiding their identities, cause you bandwidth to be eaten up
and possibly your site being blocked by others.
- Testing Apache configuration files:
% ./apachectl configtest
Syntax OK
- Further reading: see [12]
- New resources that look interesting, but are not integrated above:
On UNIX and Linux, sendmail is invariably installed as an email server, running as a
daemon. Many users/sysadmin think that sendmail needs to run as a daemon on email clients
and servers alike.
The sendmail daemon does not need to run on an 'Email Client'.
This erroneous vendor installation behaviour seems to be a default that goes back 15
years, it is difficult to understand why vendors have not corrected this. Few email
servers are needed in an organisation, the default should be to only send email, since
most hosts are workstations or servers that do not need an SMTP server. Running sendmail
as a daemon, increase security risks:
- A weakness may be found that would permit a remote penetration. Although sendmail has
not been showing many weaknesses recently, it does have a checkered history and is a very
complex piece of software.
- Email relaying may be possible, if incorrectly configured.
- A proper email server needs careful configuring for anti-relaying, anti-spam, virus
& content checking etc. Therefore it makes sense to concentrate SMTP servers on
specific, properly configured hosts.
So how is an email client set up? Assuming we want to deliver all email from our
workstation to one SMTP server, the steps are:
1. Define the mail server: add an entry with the email server name and IP address to
/etc/hosts. Then add an alias 'mailhost' for this machine. There should also be an entry
for the workstation, and workstation.DOMAINNAME.
2. Configure sendmail.cf (in /etc or /etc/mail), so that all email is sent via
O FallbackMXhost=mailhost
3. Stop the sendmail daemon from starting automatically
mv /etc/rc2.d/S88sendmail /etc/rc2.d/.no_S88sendmail
and kill the current daemon
4. Add appropriate aliases to /etc/mail/aliases, for example:
root: Your.Name@Yourcompany.com
5. If email cannot be delivered immediately (due to server congestion for example), add
the following entry to the root crontab to check for and send queued email every hour:
## process the email Q
0 * * * 1-5 /usr/lib/sendmail -q
6. Finally, test that email is being correctly delivered, by sending an empty test
email to 'root' (or some other local alias) and to your usual Email address. The '-v'
option is added to mailx so that we see the complete dialog with the email server, to
convince us that it really is working correctly.
mailx -v -s test_email root </dev/null
mailx -v -s test_email John.Doe@YourCompany.com </dev/null
Troubleshooting: look carefully at the output of the mailx commands above, and any
error emails received in the root mailbox. Check that a 'ping' to mailhost works as
expected. The SMTP server may be configured only to accept emails from known workstations
or workstations with a particular domain (in which case /etc/resolv.conf - DNS must be
setup correctly and the workstation must use the same hostname as is listed in DNS)
Hopefully Sun and other vendors will wake up and stop the sendmail daemon by default in
future OS releases, it would certainly help reduce the number of unwitting open email
relays on the Internet.
If you really need to receive Email (i.e. run an SMTP
server), it's not a trivial task. Refer to [16].
Here a few brief notes are provided.
- Configure anti-relaying, anti-spam options
- Consider anti-virus and content checking
- Use a secure front to sendmail on Internet gateways (with its anti-relaying patches) end
- Smap, or use replacements like
- Postfix (see the links on Postfix further down)
- or perhaps Qmail.
- A few quick tips on Sendmail:
- Keep the sendmail binaries up to date
- sendmail.cf could be edited to disallow VRFY and EXPN commands.
- To define names of machines for which we receive email, edit /etc/mail/sendmail.cw.
- Add a specific list of hosts that may use this server as a relay in
- Refuse access to known spammer sites can be done by adding them to /etc/mail/access
- Disable "%", "!" and double "@" addressing, by
commenting the "CO" entry in sendmail.cf, e.g.
#CO @ % !)
Then test it by verifying addresses with such characters, e.g.
sendmail -bv sean%boran.com@mydomain.com
sendmail -bv sean at boran.com@mydomain.com
- Hide version numbers (many sysadmins don't like this kind of security-by-obscurity), but
it does keep some script kiddies away:
- Likewise the prompt that sendmail provides to remove clients is
O SmtpGreetingMessage=$j Sendmail $v/$Z; $b
and can be reduced to
O SmtpGreetingMessage=$j ; $b
which only prints the hostname and date.
- The user and group used by sendmail for message processing can be tuned:
- Limit maximum message size to 6MB (for example). You might as well do this since most
other systems do limit size, and large messages may then waste resources with retries,
errors messages and confusion. So it's better to limit the size of messages you allow onto
the Internet. Typical values are 1-10MB.
- When debugging, the logging level can be adjusted:
- Consider adding smrsh (sendmail restricted shell) which integrates with
sendmail and restricts subshells and what programs can be run out of aliases, etc.
- A few quick tips on Postfix:
Postfix is a very interesting SMTP server, from both a security and flexibility
standpoint. I waited years to move over from sendmail, I wish I had done so sooner, it
really is simpler, more secure and not so painful to move over.
The main configuration files are typical in /etc/postfix, the big fish is
To view non-default settings (i.e. out config): postconf -n
To show default values: postconf -d
Some example settings for relay and spam protection are listed in postconf-n.txt
Most of the postfix elements can be chrooted. It worked fine for me on Solaris by running
the script examples/chroot-setup/Solaris2 and then editing /etc/postfix/master.cf so that
all non pipe or local daemons had 'chroot=Y'.
Postfix tutorial (french)- Hervé Schauer Consultants
Postfix -- the Sendmail Replacement - Martin Zahn
(nice diagrams, clear instructions)
Configuring Postfix as backup MX host - Martin Zahn
Using Postfix for Secure SMTP Gateways - Linux Journal (brief
Postfix FAQ
pflogsumm.pl http://jimsun.linxnet.com/postfix_contrib.html
How UCE Actually Works - mengwong
Filtering E-Mail with Postfix and Procmail, Part Two - Brian
Further reading
The OpenAntiVirus Project
This article has been very specific, in the interest of making it practical. However,
each security administrator has his own methods and each site has different requirements.
- Intrusion detection:
- Regular logfile analysis can be implemented with customer scripts or tools such as
logcheck and swatch [6].
- Integrity checkers: see section above.
- Doug Hughes has written tocsin and klaxon [4], two
free tools that listen for network scans and connections to particular ports. Tocsin only
needs to be installed once per subnet and klaxon is installed in inetd.conf for key
services that should be closed and where you don't expect a connection (but would like to
know). I've test klaxon on Solaris 2.5,2.6 and 2.7. Tocsin works on 2.5 and 2.6, but won't
work on 2.7 (compiled on 2.5 or 2.6). A sample startup script for tocsin is S11tocsin [3].
- I have written a perl script monitor_socket.pl [3]
that listens to a list of sockets and notifies by email and syslog if a connection is
received. Like klaxon above, but does not run from inetd. Originally written to
detect Sybase and Satan connection attempts.
- It's a good idea to keep previous versions of configuration files, to allow rollback and
have an audit trail. This is called versioning. It is especially important when
several administrators manage a host, changes are frequent, etc. Versioning can also be
used with Jumpstart scripts & config files. Some sysadmins use RCS
(included in Yassp), some use CVS, some copy the configuration file to file.DATE
before hand, some do nothing :).
Francisco Mancardi [fman@uyr.com.ar] has written a simple script that can be used to save
a copy of a file or directory before doing modifications.
Saveit is a little tool to make a backup of config
files before you change them. It saves a copy under /Backup.d/DATE/ and logs "who
saved what file" in /Backup.d/log-DATE. The existing directory structure is preserved
under the backup directory.
It's a simple, but useful version control tool for text files. e.g.
etc/[9]% saveit vfstab
copying file vfstab ===> /Backup.d/20000707/etc/vfstab
etc/[61]% saveit vfstab
copying file vfstab ===> /Backup.d/20000707/etc/vfstab.13:37
etc/[10]% ls -l /Backup.d/20000707/etc/vfs*
-rw-r--r-- 1 root sys 386 Mar 14 08:31 /Backup.d/20000707/etc/vfstab
-rw-r--r-- 1 root sys 386 Mar 14 08:31 /Backup.d/20000707/etc/vfstab.13:37
./ ../ vfstab
etc/[11]% tail /Backup.d/log-20000707
Backup base directory /Backup.d
Backup requested by root
Date (dd/mm/aaaa) 07-07-2000
Time 11:36
Backup base directory /Backup.d
Backup requested by root
Date (dd/mm/aaaa) 07-07-2000
Time 13:37
The advantage of this tool are: simplicity and no clogging up the current directory
with old versions of files, rcs directories etc. The script can be downloaded [3].
If you are running ntpd on a machine only as a client, then
refuse remote requests by adding the following to /etc/ntp.conf or /etc/inet/ntp.conf:
# Don't allow others to connect to this NTP daemon:
restrict default ignore
[1] |
[2] |
Sunworld security columns
Solaris Security FAQ www.sunworld.com/common/security-faq.html
Padded Cells: www.sunworld.com/swol-01-1999/swol-01-security.html
Tripwire: sunworld.com/sunworldonline/swol-02-2000/swol-02-security.html?0306a
[3] |
Saveit script: Original
spanish version: saveit-sp.sh, my tweaked version: saveit (less verbose messages, fix for OpenBSD, english
translations, if target exists save with a time postfix). |
[4] |
[5] |
Free version V1.2 ftp.cerias.purdue.edu/pub/tools/unix/ids/tripwire
(last updated in 1994).
Commercial Version www.tripwiresecurity.com
(starts at $495.-/server) also runs on NT.
OpenSource Version www.tripwire.org Linux
Sunworld article sunworld.com/sunworldonline/swol-02-2000/swol-02-security.html?0306a
Samhain samhain.sourceforge.net
[6] |
Sample tools for analysing logs:
Logcheck www.psionic.com/abacus/logcheck
(see also my improved version of logcheck.sh, a zip with my improvements and solaris binaries and a
local copy of the original logcheck-1_1.tar.gz)
Swatch ftp.stanford.edu/general/security-tools/swatch
[7] |
All About SSH PartI
and Part II,
[7a] |
ftp.cs.hut.fi/pub/ssh |
[8] |
Jail Chroot Project: New tool for creating chroot jails
(sounds nice, but I've not yet tried it)
www.gsyc.inf.uc3m.es/~assman/jail/configuring/3.html |
[9] |
[10] |
[11] |
[12] |
Securing Apache and HTTPD servers
[13] |
Articles on hardening and chroot'ing BIND8
and 9: bind_hardening.html
BIND sources and home page: www.isc.org/products/BIND
Testing Domains: www.ip-plus.net/tools/dns_check_set_en.html
[14] |
Wietse Venema's tools and papers (tcp
wrapper, rpcbind/portmapper, postfix, Satan, ....) ftp.porcupine.org/pub/security/index.html |
[15] |
[16] |
Useful articles:
[17] |
syslog replacements:
syslog-ng www.balabit.hu/products/syslog-ng
(tcp connections, content filtering, encryption, authentication)
secure syslog www.core-sdi.com/english/slogging/ssyslog.html
Nsyslogd coombs.anu.edu.au/~avalon/nsyslog.html
(tcp connections & SSL) |
[18] |
Security Advisories: www.cert.org,
www.first.org, www.ciac.org
CERT provide several useful firewall/hardening/intrusion detection papers online www.cert.org/tech_tips.
Technical Discussion of advisories: www.SecurityFocus.com/sun |
[19] |
Security Newsletters: SecurityFocus,
[20] |
IP Filter Based Firewalls HOWTO,
Firewalling with IPF,
Introduction to IP Filter |
[21] |
Sun's Routing
Support Document/FAQ is an old, but comprehensive overview of routing, how it works in
Solaris and how to configure/debug routing. |
18.Aug.00 sb First version pulled from RH & Solaris Hardening notes,
extended with Yassp info.
Constant minor updates since then...
Seán Boran is an IT security consultant based
in Switzerland and the author of the online IT Security Cookbook.
© Copyright 2001, Seán Boran, All Rights Reserved, Last
Update: 08 Oktober, 2002 |