ADSL: Security Risks and Countermeasures
An Analysis of ADSL topologies for SOHO Users

By Seán Boran

June 14, 2001 - In this report we explain the topology of ADSL connections, analyze the security risks and propose countermeasures.

This article is a part of a series of tests on Personal Firewalls/Intrusion Detection Systems. Refer to [1] for an analysis of PC-based personal firewalls and [3] for an analysis of hardware firewalls for ADSL use. Although we specifically refer to ADSL here, the same basic principles apply to cable modems.

   ADSL Benefits | Risks
   Countermeasures | Using a Router as a Firewall | Limitations | Feature Check | Precautionary Measures

ADSL Benefits

The main advantages of ADSL are:


The principle risk of an unsecured ADSL connection is unauthorized access from the Internet to your host(s) on the local network (on the LAN side of the ADSL router/modem).
Such unauthorized access is made more probable since the connection is "always on" and hence attackers can quietly try to crack your machines as you sleep. With "normal" dial-up connections, it's easier to notice unusual activity as one works on the machine when connected to the Internet. Possible impact of such unauthorized access:

  1. Your computer could be misused to publish porn images, warez (pirated software archive), or as a hub for hacker forums.
  2. Your computer could be misused to attack other machines (hundreds of so called 'attack (ro)bots' or 'zombies' can be used to cause major disruption to other Internet sites or users. An example is described in [2]). Your machine is then used to hide the identity of the real attackers, and you seem to be the person who is carrying out the attacks.
  3. Your computer could be misused for mass mailing (i.e. spam).
  4. Theft of information (loss of privacy/confidentiality), and possible misuse for financial gain (credit card numbers, misuse of banking software, blackmail).
  5. Destruction of information or programs
  6. Changing of information (loss of integrity)
  7. Lost time trying to get hackers out, reinstall or clean up after them.
  8. If your computer is misused, it could generate massive amounts of traffic which will cost you money unless you have a flat-rate Internet access. In addition sites which have been 'attacked by you' may block your address from their sites.

ADSL modems can also have security weakness themselves, which allow them to be manipulated [4].

You have a lock on your front door and on car doors, you need one on your Internet connection too!


The countermeasures for securing ADSL connections depends on the topology, so let's have a look at the hardware components involved in an ADSL connection.

Topologies with ADSL modems

This is the classical setup for a single PC, with either an internal or external modem:

  Phone----ADSL modem
  line     in PC (integrated)     
  Phone----ADSL ---- PC
  line     modem  ^   
                  ^ RJ45 Ethernet link

Now, if we add a combined hardware firewall/router, it would fit as follows and would allow several hosts, not just one PC to be connected on the Internet "LAN" side. The hub may also be integrated into the firewall/router, depending on the product:

  Phone----ADSL ---- Firewall   ------ Single PC
  line     modem     Incl.router       
  Phone----ADSL ---- Firewall -------- Hub -- Internal LAN
  line     modem     Incl.router              [several PCs]
  Phone----ADSL ---- Firewall   ------------- Internal LAN
  line     modem     Incl.router+hub          [several PCs]

Topologies with ADSL Routers

An alternative to an ADSL modem, is the router with integrated ADSL interface, which is designed to allow connection of several hosts on one ADSL connection,.

  Phone----ADSL ---- PC
  line     router     
  Phone----ADSL ---- Hub  ----- Internal LAN
  line     router               [several PCs] 

Now, if we wish to add a firewall to the equation, it would look something like:

  Phone----ADSL ---- Firewall --- PC
  line     router     
  Phone----ADSL ---- Firewall --- Hub ----- Internal LAN
  line     router                           [several PCs] 

But this setup can be tricky:

Recommended Topology

If you're starting out with new hardware, I'd recommend one of the following setups when integrating your Firewall.

The modem topology is better than with routers, since the configuration is easier and it's cheaper to buy a modem than an ADSL router.
Note that the modem must be external and not a internal card in a PC.
Note also that I've not yet seen a product that integrates an ADSL modem with a firewall.

Assuming one single PC is being protected:

  Phone----ADSL ---- Firewall --------------- Internal PC
  line     modem        

Assuming a small network of up to 4 PCs are being protected:

  Phone----ADSL ---- Firewall -------- Hub -- Internal PCs
  line     modem     Incl.router              

  Phone----ADSL ---- Firewall --------------- Internal PCs
  line     modem     Incl.router+hub   

Assuming more that 4 PCs are being protected, or a hub/switch is already available:

  Phone----ADSL ---- Firewall -------- Hub -- Internal PCs
  line     modem     Incl.router    

A Router Offers Some Firewall Protection...

The basic security principle of most firewalls and routers is that outgoing traffic is allowed (Lan to Wan policy), but incoming from the public network is blocked (Wan to LAN policy). Rules can be customized to allow specific incoming services (none by default), and restrict specific outgoing services. Since routers can allow several machines to access the Internet and all outgoing traffic leaves with the IP address of the router, incoming traffic is denied by default, because the router doesn't know which internal host to send it to!

Modems on the other hand, tend to create a fully open connection in both directions by default. So don't use a modem without a firewall.

On routers, for incoming traffic to be allowed, SUA (single user address) servers need to be defined. SUA hides the real address of  servers behind one published address (this is also known as Network Address Translation - NAT or masquerading). Either a 'default server' is defined, or a list of which ports are routed to which IP address is specified.

So, if you don't configure any SUA on your router, incoming traffic is blocked by default. This may be enough for most users. Some routers also offer firewall functions, that may be used to tighten security further.

What Features Should an ADSL Firewall Have?

The following is a check list of features to watch out for in firewalls and routers. We intend using this checklist to measure the effectiveness of actual products:

Test Criteria

How can one test security effectiveness?

  1. Ping and accessing file shares from the Internet to a test host behind the firewall.
  2. Ping and accessing file shares from a test host behind the firewall to the Internet.
  3. An nmap [2] scan of the firewall to check what ports are visible from the Internet. Try connecting to visible ports.
  4. An nmap scan of the firewall to check what ports are visible from the LAN. Try connecting to visible ports.
  5. A well known 'remote control' trojan (like Netbus Pro v2.1 [3]) is installed on the test system on a non standard port (to make detection more difficult). The Netbus server is started and attempts made to connect from the Internet.

Limitations of Hardware Firewalls

Compared with some software personal firewalls, a hardware firewall cannot see which application on an internal PC generates traffic and hence it cannot restrict traffic by application name.

Hardware firewalls often allow all outgoing traffic by default:

Processing power, memory and cost all limit how much work can be done by hardware firewalls and how sophisticated they can be. Software personal firewalls, on the other hand can simple eat resources from the host PC. :-)


Precautionary Measures for Windows Users

There are a few measures that Windows users should take, whether they install a firewall or not:


The risks of an unprotected ADSL connection are real, please ensure that you take at least minimal precautions to secure your ADSL connection.
Either use a router to block incoming traffic or setup a firewall in conjunction with your ADSL modem to provide at least protection against incoming traffic. Install an up-to-date Anti-virus, and apply the Precautionary Measures.

We've presented several checklists here that should help you evaluate which actual product meets your needs. Now you can check out the actual product evaluations we've carried out [3].


  1. Personal Firewalls/Intrusion Detection Systems - Seán Boran
    This article is analysis of software based Personal Firewalls.
  2. Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Attacks Against - Steve Gibson
  3. ADSL Firewalls: Product Reviews - Seán Boran
    An Analysis of hardware mini-firewall products for 'always-on' Users
  4. Alcatel DSL Models found vulnerable: Tsutomu Shimomura, a senior fellow at the San Diego Supercomputing Center, discovered numerous flaws in a popular modem supplied by Pacific Bell, Ameritech, Bell Atlantic and others to DSL customers.  

About the Author

Seán Boran is an IT security consultant based in Switzerland and the author of the online IT Security Cookbook.

Change history

14.June.01 sb First release
27.Jun.01 Add Link for [3]
29.Aug.01 Minor fixes.