¦===========================================================¦ ¦"mindterm_install.zip" | ¦Special SSH bundle for Windows 19.Jul.04 ¦ Mindterm 2.4.2 (commercial: read the LICENSE in the docs) ¦ Winscp 2.0beta89 | Putty 0.54 | iXplorer 0.17 | |Sean's Notes: www.boran.com/security/sp/ssh-part1.html |Download www.boran.com/security/sp/ssh/ | |Official pages: | Mindterm www.appgate.com/mindterm | PUTTY: www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ | WinSCP: winscp.vse.cz/eng | QuickPutty www.deckmyn.org/olivier/software/QuickPutty/ | iXplorer: www.i-tree.org ¦===========================================================¦ INSTALLATION: Just extract the mindterm_install.zip into c:\Progra~1 and it should work fine on English, French, Italian and German versions on Windows NT/2000/XP. This will create a subdir "mindterm" under which all tools are stored. SSH tools in this bundle: - mindterm: My favourite, for historical reasons and due to features such as "clone terminal". - putty: Lovely SSH client which also has Telnet support. - pscp, psftp: Putty's command-line file transfer - plink: Putty's command-line ssh - pageant: Putty's ssh-agent - winscp: nice SSH file transfer GUI (to replace your ftp client) - iexplorer: nice SSH file transfer GUI, newer versions are no longer free, they are shareware. - QuickPutty: a quick lauch for putty Mindterm is started by clicking on mindterm.bat in c:\Progra~1\mindterm. For putty, click on pageant to start the taskbar icon which gives quick access to putty, and key agent. To use the command line tools like plink, add c:\Progra~1\mindterm to the PATH. Tips: Enable compression over slow links. Use only protocol V2. Blowfish is a fast but strong encryption algorithm, recommended. Sean Boran, Sean@boran.com ====================================================================